How to Easily Show Remote Work On Your Resume

But this is a section to list various skills related to your job or technologies you are familiar with. Since I’m a marketer, I would put things like paid advertising, marketing automation, content creation, social media, etc. Sometimes this section can be found near the top of a resume, other times at the bottom. Again, it’s subtle, but it could be the edge you need to land that remote job. First, it’s important to find a good place in your resume to mention your remote work in a way that makes sense and goes smoothly with your other experiences. Don’t simply list the skills above and call it a day – you need to have examples and metrics of how you use soft skills to provide value.

how to list remote work on resume

Even if you don’t have remote work experience, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have valuable skills to offer to a remote company. About 23.7% of the U.S. population work or have worked from home at some point. This shows that remote working has come to stay as a recognized form of working, and employers acknowledge it. However, many employers prefer getting work from home job resume from experienced candidates because such get the job done faster and save the company time and other resources on training. Emphasise abilities to work remotely, effectively communicate with your team, and adapt to a remote work environment.

Finding the Experience for a Remote Job Resume

These are times when you took initiative with minimal or zero assistance. There are basic rules of writing, and each of these is there to improve the chances of your application being approved…. But if you don’t wish to alter the company’s location, you should mention that you will be working from home in the first how to list remote work on resume bullet point. This strategy will show the recruiter that your location shouldn’t be an issue since you are very comfortable with working remotely. Examples of such skills include the ability to communicate seamlessly, utilize remote tools and software, and other skills that can make it easier to work remotely.

  • But just keep in mind, not every tip below may apply to your resume specifically.
  • You just have to know what skills companies want for remote jobs and how to point them out to potential employers.
  • For remote employees and contractors, it’s important to demonstrate the work samples.
  • After all, there are no degrees or certificates that can prove that you have such skills.
  • Without superior communication skills, you may find yourself correcting the record or apologizing for frustrations your miscommunication caused.

Before you start your job search, you need to have a resume ready for your applications. They should reflect your skills and experiences clearly to hiring managers and recruiters. In this regard, listing remote work on a resume becomes integral to a successful job hunt. Showcasing a track record of success and remote work skills boosts employment prospects for work-from-home employment opportunities. But, that doesn’t mean you won’t be a productive and successful remote employee.

Or You Could Automatically Create a Remote Job Resume Using an AI Writer

Listing remote work on your resume is now more important than ever. Read our in-depth review, and it might just become your go-to platform for job hunting. Remote work can mean missing out on essential face-to-face interaction. To counter this, include a bullet point about how you’ve managed to stay in touch while working from home. The biggest hesitation most recruiters have with remote work is employee productivity.

Keep your eyes peeled on job sites for new postings — you’ll never know when a great opportunity strikes. If you’re one of those people looking for employment opportunities in the middle of this pandemic, now may be a good time to take a good look at those virtual jobs. If you’re a seasoned remote worker looking for more gigs, there’s no better time than now to book some as well. However, you could also mix in skills related to working remotely too or hint you can handle a remote job. Think of areas you succeed in like detail oriented, highly organized, strong time management, etc.

How SaaS Is Changing the Future of Remote…

But having some call out around this when applying to a remote job will help you stand out. Lastly, you can get a bit creative and have a dedicated section around your remote work experience. This might be more challenging pending how long your resume is already, since you don’t want one longer than two pages.

how to list remote work on resume

Once you’ve identified your remote skills, you have to figure out how to put them on your resume. You can mention that you gained remote work experience in your professional summary or the accomplishments of your ‘Work Experience’ section. You can also add it to the job title or put it in the ‘Skills’ section.

Космолот ua

Социальная ответственность Космолот ua: Cosmolot активно поддерживает украинскую экономику и благотворительность. Руководство компании понимает важность социальной ответственности, регулярно пополняет бюджет страны, помогает фронту и участвует в благотворительных проектах.

Планы руководства:

  1. Поддержка социальной активности.
  2. Увеличение капитализации.
  3. Выход на западный рынок.

Влияние на экономику: Cosmolot платит значительные налоги, создает рабочие места и привлекает иностранные инвестиции. Развитие гемблинг-сферы способствует росту IT-сектора и туризма в Украине.

Космолот ua — лидер в своей отрасли и пример социально ответственного бизнеса, поддерживающего армию и благотворительность, что инициировано его руководством.

Buy Shiba Inu SHIB Price Today, Live Charts and News

Their SHIB token price prediction for 2030 is, therefore, very bullish as they anticipate a sustained price increase. According to the Shiba Inu price predictions we’ve analyzed, it can be a good investment. However, it’s better to buy Shiba Inu in moderate amounts because the project hasn’t yet established its real-world value.

They often take the form of a desktop client or browser extension, making them relatively easy to use. Referred to as Layer 2 solutions, they make transactions faster as well as cheaper. While many Ethereum-based Layer 2s exist, the Shiba Inu community also has its own, Shibarium, in development. However, greater congestion on Ethereum means that transactions can get slower and more expensive in terms of gas fees.

Shiba Inu (SHIB 1.17%) wins as best investment vehicle of 2021, hands down. It’s mind-blowing gains over the past year may have propelled some investors into millionaire status, even as its real world use remains questionable. If you’d invested just $100, depending on when, you might be set for life. Deposit crypto to our exchange and trade with deep liquidity and low fees.

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Streamr, No. 455 in crypto market cap (yes, I picked these randomly), has a $91 million market cap and gained 216% over the past year. If Shiba Inu rose 43,800,000% from here, it would reach a price of $9.63 per token. Before you get excited, there are currently 589 trillion Shiba Inu tokens in circulation right now, so even at a price of $1 per token, that’s a total market value of $589 trillion.

The Shiba Inu team launched a decentralised exchange called ShibaSwap with two tokens, LEASH and BONE. LEASH is a scarce supply token, used to offer incentives on Shibaswap. BONE is the governance token for holders to vote on proposals on Doggy DAO. SHIB is an experiment in decentralised spontaneous community building created under the Shiba Inu’s’s ecosystem. Unlike Bitcoin, which is designed to be scarce, SHIB is intentionally abundant — with a total supply of one quadrillion. Therefore, at a price of $9.63, Shiba Inu’s total market value would be $5.67 quadrillion — or 13 times the value of all the wealth on Earth.

  • Interestingly, other Shiba Inu-related tokens – BONE and LEASH – will also play various roles as different phases of the metaverse come to life.
  • LEASH is a scarce supply token, used to offer incentives on Shibaswap.
  • Before launch, developers transferred half of the digital coins to the Uniswap DEX and destroyed the keys.

Back in June 2023, Binance initially announced the desiciton to repla its native BUSD stablecoin with a newly-issued First Digital USD (FDUSD), amid regulatory crackdown from the US SEC. If you’d invested your $100 in Shiba Inu anytime before the October high, you’d have come out with more than you’d put in if you held and sold at the high. But there were a few ups and downs on the way there, and you might have sold too soon.

What is Shiba Inu (SHIB)?

SHIB was released on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token with a total supply of one quadrillion coins. Before launch, developers transferred half of the digital coins to the Uniswap DEX and destroyed the keys. The other half of the tokens was transferred to the founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin. He burned 90% of the SHIB tokens by sending them to a non-existent address. SHIB is an Ethereum-based alternative to Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular and original canine-themed meme coin.

Also, Elon Musk’s mentions of the meme coin on Twitter helps SHIB stay on the radar. But when in the crypto market, never say never in any price prediction. Who knows if Elon Musk will post another promotional Tweet for his favorite meme coin and if Shiba tokens will see massive gains shortly after.


I don’t think anyone anticipates a 53,241,775% one-year increase in their wildest dreams. If you’d invested $100 in Shiba Inu exactly a year ago, you’d have more than $53 million. And the price is down from its October highs; if you’d sold then, you’d be even richer.

SHIB Markets

However, it positions itself as a “Dogecoin Killer”, adopting a term given to several third-generation cryptocurrencies as “Ethereum Killers”. As mentioned above, on May 13, Vitalik Buterin (who was given half of the token supply by the developers) announced that he was donating a large amount of these tokens to a fund helping India with COVID relief. The SHIBA developers had not anticipated Buterin selling his tokens, but eventually, the two parties came to a mutually satisfying agreement. Later, the fund actually lamented having sold its tokens too early, as its share would have been worth well over $1 billion at the token’s all-time high.

For context, all of the recorded wealth on Earth right now stands at just $431 trillion. Thanks to its massive supply, a SHIB price of $0.01 would put its valuation, or market capitalization, at $10 trillion, close to that of gold. If you would like to know where to buy Shiba Inu at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Shiba Inu stock are currently Binance, UEEx, BlueBit, OKX, and Bybit. In October 2021, SHIB surged on the news of a possible Robinhood listing and briefly flipped Dogecoin to become the most-valued meme coin by market capitalization. Thus far, Robinhood has not listed SHIB, despite a petition with over 500,000 signatures calling for it. Robinhood executive Christine Brown has lauded the efforts of the Shiba Inu community, saying that one of her favorite things was seeing it engage with the community to make its wishes heard.

How Many SHIBA INU (SHIB) Coins Are There in Circulation?

Some popular ones that offer SHIB include the App and Exchange. Shiba Inu’s investor base is made up of mostly retail traders, who might be averse to holding their tokens if they’d have to contend with complicated tax laws. As with any investment, taxes can be a major cost, and it factors into the risk-reward calculus when deciding whether to proceed. The live price of the Shiba Inu coin (SHIB) is updated and available in real-time on Binance. However, investors enjoy seeing that they own huge numbers of a token, as opposed to Bitcoin, where owning even one whole coin is impossible for many.

Cosmolot реклама

В современном мире бизнес не может ограничиваться только предоставлением качественных услуг, созданием рабочих мест и наполнением государственного бюджета. Действительно развитые компании должны понимать свою роль в развитии страны. Особенно это важно в Украине, где второй год продолжается война. 

Хорошим примером социально ответственного бизнеса является онлайн-казино Cosmolot, которое известно своей проукраинской позицией. 


Чем особенна реклама Cosmolot

Космолот – это украинский бизнес с четкой позицией: это проявилось не только в активной помощи фронту и стране, но и в медийных кампаниях бренда.

Сегодня каждую свою рекламу Cosmolot превращает из исключительно коммерческой в социально важную. Для этого компания снимает ролики, которые напоминают:

  • о важности объединения страны;
  • что важно продолжать донатить армии;
  • что необходимо избавляться от остатков вражеской культуры.

Первая Cosmolot реклама «Нація переможців» появилась в 2022 году, призывая “палить вату” и донатить на ВСУ. Реклама превратилась в сериал с харизматичными героями, сатирически изображающими врагов. В 2023 году добавились образовательные серии с учительницей-чертёнком и супергероем Соловейменом, призывающими использовать украинский язык и интересоваться культурой. Cosmolot использует свои медийные ресурсы для трансляции проукраинских нарративов, вовлекая людей в борьбу с внешним врагом и остатками его культуры.

Космолот в Украине

Онлайн-казино Космолот в Украине действует легально с 2021 года, имея лицензию от КРАИЛ.

Владельцы и инвесторы:

  • Сергей Потапов — основатель компании ТОВ «Спейсикс», ранее работавший в интернет-маркетинге и IT.
  • Арнульф Дамерау — британский инвестор, с 2023 года совладелец Cosmolot, известен своими инвестициями в IT, зеленую энергетику и кибербезопасность.

Экономическое влияние:

  • Налоги: В 2023 году Cosmolot заплатил 2,4 миллиарда гривен налогов, что составляет почти 25% налогов всей игорной сферы.
  • Рабочие места: Развитие гемблинг сферы способствует росту IT-сектора, создавая рабочие места для программистов и специалистов по кибербезопасности.

Планы на будущее:

  • Увеличение капитализации и выход на западный рынок.
  • Привлечение иностранных инвестиций и укрепление экономики Украины.

Космолот в Украине демонстрирует, что онлайн-казино может быть легальным и социально ответственным бизнесом, способствующим развитию экономики и IT-сектора.